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Movement is Medicine.

Lunadesk Helps You Get More of It.

Say goodbye to compromising your well-being for your work. Experience the transformative power of Lunadesk—the only laptop desk designed to work with you, not against you.

The Problem

The Toll of Modern Work on Health

Modern work settings, which almost universally run counter to our bodies' natural rhythms, have been linked epidemiologically to various maladies. From stress-related illnesses like depression, anxiety, and hypertension to physical conditions such as lower back pain and sleep disorders, the toll of formality at work is evident. Source.

Make your workday work for you

The Solution

Start Moving With Lunadesk

Workday wellness starts with ditching your chair in favor of the floor, ground, mat, couch, or bed. Then you move, and often. 

With Lunadesk, movement through various postures and locations throughout your workday is easy, and embracing your body’s instincts feels natural. And as a result, the mind is revitalized, anxiety is calmed, creativity is activated, and physical well-being is supported.

“Your best position is your next one.”

- Kelly Starrett, Mobility expert and physical therapist

Want a healthy physical body?


Moving through a variety of postures throughout the day helps maintain spinal flexibility and reduces the risk of stiffness or injury. 


Regularly moving and adjusting your posture helps avoid issues like dry eyes, tired eyes, and headaches by encouraging periodic breaks from screen use and varying focal distances.


Frequently changing your posture and taking breaks throughout the day can prevent wrist injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injuries (RSIs). It helps reduce the strain on wrist tendons and nerves, promoting better blood flow and reducing inflammation.


Regular movement and posture changes throughout the day improve heart health and circulation by promoting better blood flow and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and varicose veins while enhancing overall cardiovascular function.


Regularly moving and changing positions throughout the day boosts metabolism by increasing energy expenditure and aiding in the regulation of blood sugar levels. Extended periods of inactivity can impair metabolism and circulation, regardless of subsequent physical activity. Continuous movement throughout the day is essential to maintain consistent metabolic function.

Psoas Muscle

The psoas muscle, deep in your lower back and hip area, helps with movement and connects to your nervous system, affecting your emotions. If it remains tight, it can keep you stressed. Keeping the psoas relaxed through stretches like kneeling can calm your body, enhance communication with your brain, and reduce stress.

And then there’s your emotional body…


Regular movement and posture changes throughout the day enhance respiratory function by preventing lung compression and promoting deeper, more efficient breathing. It helps maintain better oxygen exchange and reduces the risk of respiratory issues associated with prolonged sedentary positions. So if you’re in a posture that prevents you from taking a deep breath, change it up until you can.

Creativity & Cognitive Function

Moving throughout the day enhances creativity and cognitive function by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain, stimulating neural activity, and fostering new connections. It also prevents mental fatigue and supports a dynamic mental state, enabling better problem-solving and innovative thinking.

Focus & Productivity

Moving throughout the day sustains focus and productivity by preventing mental fatigue and improving blood circulation, which supplies the brain with essential nutrients and oxygen. Short breaks – to move between standing in the kitchen to sitting on the porch, per se – also refresh attention spans, enhance mood, and reduce stress, optimizing cognitive performance and overall efficiency.


Moving throughout the day promotes mindfulness by bringing attention to the present moment and the sensations of the body during each movement. It encourages a deeper connection between mind and body, fostering awareness of physical sensations, thoughts, and emotions, ultimately supporting a more grounded and present state of being.

Lunadesk is not just a desk—it’s a wellness companion.

Get yours today.

A Word from Our Founder, Bekah Giacomantonio

Throughout my childhood, I was taught that success required sitting still. But after enduring years of suffering, I rejected this teaching and embraced my natural inclination to move. I started by ditching my chair and desk for the floor, which made moving through a variety of postures easy and best supported my favorite: sitting cross-legged on the floor which has a number of benefits. The problem: No desk supported movement.

Drawing upon insights gained from extensive mindfulness practice, yoga training, and somatics education, I set out to craft a solution. The result? Lunadesk—an ergonomic laptop desk made for movement so that you don’t have to compromise your wellness for your work. As the CEO of Lunadesk, I'm here to champion the truth: our bodies thrive on movement—it's medicinal. Embracing fluidity in posture and location not only revitalizes the mind and sparks creativity but also soothes the nervous system and fosters healing and resilience within the body. Work can be a part of your life, not a departure from it. I created this desk, and started this company because I believe more is possible – more joy, more ease, more belonging, more LIFE. And it starts with moving. But you don’t have to just take my word for it:

work from home sit stand desks

A MUST for anyone seeking a more ergonomic and sustainable work flow. When I tried out the prototype, my desk set up was the envy of all my co-workers.

Meghan Moody
North Conway, New Hampshire
laptop desk for floor sitting

The ability to use this while sitting on the floor is a game-changer. I don't know any other products that do that and can also turn a work desk into a standing desk.

Cameron Spoor
Austin, Texas

The Lunadesk honestly changed how I work! Being able to move between so many different positions around my apartment made working at my laptop a whole new experience.

Garrett Cox
Austin, Texas

“And you too have come into the world to do this: to go easy, to be filled with light, and to shine.”


Ready to transform your workspace into a sanctuary of productivity and well-being? 

Movement enhances your work and your well-being. Click here for a free workday wellness consultation with embodied mindfulness teacher and CEO of Lunadesk, Bekah Giacomantonio, to learn how you can start feeling better, today! 

Meet the Lunadesk. Designed for your well-being.

Move every 30 minutes to a different location and use a different posture – the options are limitless.

Easy to use because the desk weighs less than 10 pounds!

The trays, which are white boards, adjust to angles that work best for your body

Made in America
and built to last
with low-waste packaging
from the best materials we can find.

Profit isn’t our only bottom line, it isn’t even our first. People (the ones we employ and you, our customers) matter most, then the planet (environmentally friendly materials and packaging with a constant eye to what we can do better), then profit. 

Make your workday work for you. 

Your body was made for movement. Not just sometimes, but all the time. Re-wild your work day with Lunadesk and find more life!


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